Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

My cosin had a blog so I wanted one too. I just got back from Satna Cruz and I was staying in the Rio Sands Motle. My other cosins were there. Here are some pictures of my trip. I went to the bordwalk, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the beach to collect shells.


  1. Tor Bor, I love your blog!! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun in Santa Cruz. I wish we could have been with you. Keep posting more, because I want to read it!! I love you!!

  2. Tori! <3
    What a fun trip!
    AND...I heard you have a new baby sis!!!
    Congratulations, love! Give her a hug for me, k? I miss you tons!
    Blogs are fun, huh? ;)
